Minutes 4th November 2020

Minutes of the meeting held Wednesday 4th November 2020 at 7:30pm via Zoom

Public Forum

Two members of the public attended the parish council meeting purely for observation and did not have specific items for the council to note.  They joined the discussions on item 20/11-6b) and 20/11-8b) below.

a) ELDC Ward Member.  Cllr Grist sent his apologies.  He is attending an ELDC Executive Board Meeting but reported that the grants application form has been posted to the clerk.

b) LCC Ward Member.  Cllr H Marfleet did not join the meeting but has forwarded his November e-brief which the councillors have noted.

c) Louth Rural Neighbourhood Policing Team. Beat Manager R Precious sent his apologies and reported that both Louth Town and Louth Rural teams have combined officers.  They have gone from 2 Beat Managers to 1, the Sergeant’s post is currently vacant and PCSOs across the 2 teams reduced from 7 to just 2.  This has had a profound effect on what they can attend to.

20/11-1   Record of Members Present and Apologies

Present: Cllr E Hairsine (Chairman); Cllr L Fear (Vice-Chairman), Cllr C Shaw and Cllr J Stainton

                 Also in attendance:  Jo Walsh, Rowena Larkin and Mrs N Must (Parish Clerk/RFO)

20/11-2 To receive any Declarations of Interest on any item on the agenda - None declared

20/11-3 Minutes from 19th August 2020 – It was resolved that the draft minutes were accurate.  The Chairman will sign at the next opportunity.

20/11-4   Council Matters

  1. Chairman’s Remarks. There were no matters to discuss that were not on the agenda.
  2. Actions from Previous Meeting.  The only outstanding item is the ELDC grant funding form which needs completing as soon as received.
  3. New Website – There was much discussion on the cost involved with the new website and the workload.  When put to the vote, the Chairman had to use her casting vote and the quote from Intelllitech Services Limited was accepted.  However, the Council also resolved to send a robust protest to the LCC Ward Member regarding the complexity of the new website compared to the current simple system and the massive time, effort and expertise required to upload and build the new website.
  4. Communications. All relevant communications were forwarded to councillors and noted.

20/11-5 Finance and Budgets

  1. Payments approved
  1. Remembrance Sunday wreath reimbursement to R Howard - £20.00
  2. Parish Clerk salary and expenses - £422.20
  1. Budget Monitoring and latest Receipts and Payments – noted
  2. Proposed Budget for 2021/22 - The Council noted the financial statement review and considered the proposed budget for the next financial year. The Council resolved to accept the RFO recommendation and agreed a precept of £2,430, which comes close to a balanced budget between receipts and payments. This will be submitted to ELDC when the precept form is received.

 20/8-6     Community Amenities

  1. Tathwell Notice Board – The Council approved the completed Sustainable Development Fund application form drafted by the parish clerk and will be submitted to Lincolnshire Wolds Countryside Service to secure a grant of £166.25 which is 62.5% of total project cost.
  2. Remembrance Sunday Service– The Chairman reported that due to Covid-19 restrictions there will be no service nor any public gathering.  The Chairman and the Churchwarden will lay the wreath at 10am on Sunday, 8th November.  Other residents will do their own remembrance tribute at home.  The Chairman requested Rowena Larkin being administrator of the Facebook group Tathwell Village Community to post a notice about cancelling the gathering around the war memorial due to Covid-19 restrictions.

20/11-7   Planning Matters.

  1. N/174/01555/20 Charnwood - Erection of a tractor shed and siting of a shipping container. This application has been approved and noted
  2. N/174/01751/20 Kenwick Park, Louth, LN11 8NR – The Council resolved to make no comments.
  3. N/174/01753/20 Kenwick Park, Louth, LN11 8NR - The Council resolved to make no comments.
  4. N/081/01442/20 Ivy House, Tathwell Road, Haugham LN11 8PU – The Council resolved to make no comments. 

20/11-8   ELDC/LCC Services

  1. ELDC – The Council noted that ELDC sent a road sweeper along Poverty Lane and New Lane which cleaned the areas.  The Council asked the parish clerk to request for the service for Church Lane and Thackers Lane.
  2. LCC
    1. Speed limit sign on Poverty Lane. The Clerk had submitted the request at LCC Fixmystreet back in September and the Chairman reported that there had been some hedge trimmed along Poverty Lane which has slightly improved visibility of the speed sign.  LCC is still investigating and updates will be sent to the parish clerk. The ongoing issue of speeding in the village had again been discussed and despite the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership speed survey proved motorists were going over the speed limit, LCC Highways are not doing anything about it.
    2. Grit bin at Lodge Lane – This has also been submitted to LCC Fixmystreet and works is scheduled within the month.

20/11-9   Date of Next Meeting – Wednesday, 3rd February 2021, 7:30pm.  It is expected to be held remotely via Zoom unless current legislation changes.


The meeting closed at 20:11 pm.