Minutes - 16th May 2022

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Council held 16th May 2022 at 7:47 pm Tathwell Lodge, Little Tathwell LN11 9SX

22/5-1 Election of Chairman.  Cllr Mr Lou Fear was proposed and seconded for the appointment.  There being no other nominations, it was RESOLVED to appoint Cllr Mr Lou Fear as Chairman and duly signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office. 

22/5-2 Election of Vice-Chairman. Cllr Mrs Rowena Larkin was proposed and seconded.  There being no other nominations, it was RESOLVED to appoint Cllr Mrs Rowena Larkin to be the Vice- Chairman and duly signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office. 

22/5-3 Report from Outside Bodies including the Public Forum. Lincolnshire Police Area Inspector D Dicken sent his apologies but did not send a report.   There were two members of the public who observed the meeting.

22/5-4 Record of Members Present and Apologies.

Present: Cllr Mr Lou Fear (Chairman), Cllr Rowena Larkin (Vice-Chairman), Cllr Mrs Elizabeth Hairsine, Cllr Mrs Cheryl Shaw, Cllr Mr John Stainton,

Also present:  Mr R Hairsine, Mr M Lewis and Mrs Nadine Must (Parish Clerk). 

Apologies accepted: Cllr Jo Walsh who has Covid

22/5-5 To receive any Declarations of Interest on any item on the agenda. Cllr J Stainton declared an interest on agenda item 22/5-10, planning application to be considered.

22/5-6 Minutes from 2nd February 2022.  It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting was an accurate record. The Chairman signed the minutes.

22/5-7 Council Matters

  1. Chairman’s Remarks.  The Chairman thanked Cllr E Hairsine for all her hard work and dedication during the last four years acting as Chairman.
  2. Annual Review of Policies.  The Council reviewed all its current policies and agreed that the documents were still relevant.  The Clerk to renew all policies on the council website.​​​​​​
    1. Standing Orders
    2. Financial Regulations
    3. Code of Conduct
    4. Data Protection Policy
    5. Privacy Notice
    6. Complaints Procedure
    7. Environmental Policy
    8. Health and Safety Policy
    9. Equal Opportunities Policy
    10. Safeguarding Vulnerable Persons Policy
  1. Clerk’s Report and CommunicationsNoted. 
    1. The letter from Mr Lewis concerning the portaloo was discussed and it was resolved to put a trellis to screen the facility.  The Council also resolved to install a green litter bag in the area but people using the facility will be encouraged to take their litter home with them.
    2. Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations – Parish Council Grant Scheme.  It was resolved to avail of the grant and send an application for the full £1,000 offered to procure materials to complete the boules pitch and other community amenities.
    3. Jubilee picnic, Sunday, 5th June.  The Jubilee Committee decided to hold the picnic at Wightman Corner instead of the church. Residents will be asked to bring their own picnic and chairs.  They may also wish to bring any food to share.  There will be games and competitions including Best Crown for adults and children.
    4. The Oak Tree planted at the crossroads has died and the supplier has agreed to replace it for free.  The Silver Birch planted on the green is well and healthy.  Commemorative plaques will be sourced for both trees as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy.
    5. It was resolved to put plaques on the bench and picnic table stating “provided by Tathwell and Haugham Parish Council 2022”.  The Clerk to source quotes made of a composite material which will not require regular maintenance.

22/5-8 Finance and Budgets

  1. End of year Receipts and Payments 2021-2022.  Noted and approved.
  2. 2021-2022 AGAR.  The Council noted the Internal Auditor’s report.
  3. 2021-2022 AGAR. The Council reviewed and approved the Governance Statement.
  4. 2021-2022 AGAR. The Council reviewed and approved the Accounting Statements and all other supporting financial records.
  5. The Council approved the Certificate of Exemption.   The Chairman and Clerk both signed the relevant forms for submission to the external auditor and for publication on website.
  6. Payments- The Council resolved to accept the following payments for May 2022.



Cheque Number


Amount (£)



Parish Clerk – salary and expenses April and May 2022




Blockfree Services – portaloo hire April 2022




LALC 2022/23 Membership




LALC Annual Training Scheme 2022/23







To note payment made since last meeting under delegated powers in accordance with the Council’s Financial Regulations 5.5


Cheque Number


Amount (£)



Parish Clerk reimbursement for repair of laptop – Invoice 0337 Jerome’s IT



22/5-9 Community Amenities

  1. Tathwell Notice Board – This has now been repaired and reinstalled. The Haugham noticeboard has also been repaired and reinstalled and is now much easier to use.
  1. Litter pick-up – There were 40 bags collected.  There was an issue with ELDC emails and the bags were not collected until a few weeks later.
  2. Defibrillators – As reported at the Annual Parish Meeting, training will be arranged for residents to use the device.  The Chairman will arrange a date when Mrs L Fear could do the training.  Mr R Heath who is a resident and a first responder will also be requested to do a training session.

22/5-10 Planning Matters.

  1. N/174/00464/22 | Planning Permission - Extension to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation, existing conservatory to be removed. | Lodge Cottage, Thackers Lane, Tathwell.  The Council resolved to send a no objection.


22/5-11 Parish Clerk Performance Appraisal.  The Council moved into closed session and it was resolved to increase the contractual hours to 130 per annum and pay for the overtime hours worked.  The Chairman will complete the appraisal form for signing.

22/5-12 Date of Next Meeting.  Monday, 1st August 2022 at 7:30pm.

The meeting closed at 9:20 pm.