Minutes - Annual Meeting of Parish Council 15 May 2023

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Council held 15th May 2023 at 8 pm, St Vedast Church, Tathwell

All Councillors present signed their Declaration of Acceptance of Office and submitted their Declaration of Pecuniary Interest forms to the Proper Officer prior to the start of the meeting.

23/5-1 Election of Chairman.  Cllr Mr Lou Fear was proposed and seconded for the appointment.  There being no other nominations, it was RESOLVED to appoint Cllr Mr Lou Fear as Chairman and duly signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office. 

23/5-2 Election of Vice-Chairman. Cllr Mrs Rowena Larkin was proposed and seconded.  There being no other nominations, it was RESOLVED to appoint Cllr Mrs Rowena Larkin to be the Vice- Chairman and duly signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office. 

23/5-3 Record of Members Present and Apologies.

Present: Cllr Mr Lou Fear (Chairman), Cllr Rowena Larkin (Vice-Chairman), Cllr Mrs Elizabeth Hairsine and Cllr John Williams

Also present:  Mr S Samuel (Tathwell resident) and Mrs Nadine Must (Parish Clerk). 

Apologies accepted: Cllr Jo Walsh, Mr Russell Howard and ELDC Cllr Adam Grist

Absent: Cllr John Stainton

23/5-4 To receive any Declarations of Interest on any item on the agenda. None

23/5-5 Minutes from 30 January 2023.  It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting was an accurate record. The Chairman signed the minutes.

23/5-6 Council Matters

  1. Chairman’s Remarks.  The Chairman had no further updates except those reported at the Annual Parish Meeting held prior to this meeting.
  2. Annual Review of Policies.  The Council reviewed all its current policies and agreed that the documents were still relevant.  The Clerk to renew all policies on the council website.
i.      Standing Orders
ii. Financial Regulations
iii. Data Protection Policy
iv. Privacy Notice
v. Complaints Procedure
vi. Environmental Policy
vii. Health and Safety Policy
viii. Equal Opportunities Policy
ix. Safeguarding Vulnerable Persons Policy
  1. General Power of Competence.  The Council RESOLVED to adopt the General Power of Competence, having satisfied itself that it meets the criteria for eligibility.
  2. Clerk’s Report and CommunicationsNoted. 
    1. The Clerk to chase East Lindsey District Council regarding request to merger Tathwell with Haugham as one council
  3. Insurance Quotes.  The Council resolved to accept the quote from Zurich Insurance at a cost of £259.  Annual Insurance period starts on the 17 June 2023.

23/5-7 Finance and Budgets

  1. End of year Receipts and Payments 2021-2022.  Noted and approved.
  2. 2022-2023 AGAR.  The Council noted the Internal Auditor’s report.
  3. 2022-2023 AGAR. The Council reviewed and approved the Governance Statement.
  4. 2022-2023 AGAR. The Council reviewed and approved the Accounting Statements and all other supporting financial records.
  5. The Council approved the Certificate of Exemption.   The Chairman and Clerk both signed the relevant forms for submission to the external auditor and for publication on website.
  6. Payments- The Council resolved to accept the following payments for May 2023.  It was also resolved not to register with the LALC Annual Training Scheme.  Councillors and Parish Clerk to attend as required and Council to pay as non-members.




Amount (£)


Parish Clerk – salary and expenses April and May 2023



LALC 2023/24 Membership



Reimbursement to Cllr L Fear for refreshments





To note any other Income (I) or Expenditure (E) since last meeting

  Date To/From Amount I/E
1 07/02/23 Blockfree Services 181.99 E
2 31/03/23 Parish Clerk Salary and Expenses Feb and March 2023 388.23 E
3 06/04/23 Precept payment from ELDC 3,505.00 I


23/5-8 Community Amenities

  1. Litter pick-up. Report provided at Annual Parish Meeting
  2. Defibrillators. Report provided at Annual Parish Meeting

23/5-9 Planning Matters.

  1. Update: N/174/00319/23 | Planning Permission – Beck House, Poverty Lane, Tathwell – approved
  2. No new applications considered.

23/5-10 Parish Clerk Performance Appraisal.  The Council moved into closed session and it was resolved to increase the contractual hours to 182 per annum to reflect the extra hours required for the role.  Theone-point salary scale increment was also agreed.   Overtime pay was waived in lieu of the increase in working hours.  The Chairman will complete the appraisal form for signing.  It was also resolved for the Vice Chairman to do subsequent performance appraisals as per Standing Orders.

23/5-11 Date of Next Meeting.  Monday, 31 July 2023 at 7:30pm.

The meeting closed at 9 pm.