Minutes 3rd February 2021

Minutes of the meeting held Wednesday 3rd February 2021 at 7:30pm via Zoom.
The Chairman opened the meeting with a minute’s silence to honour Mr Christopher Rolph who has sadly died.  Mr Rolph served as a Parish Councillor for over 30 years.
Public Forum
Two members of the public attended the parish council meeting. The Council welcomed Ms Hayley Silvester representing Quickline, which is the firm erecting the mast (Agenda Item 21/02-7b).  She talked about the benefits of the higher tower which will reach over 2,000 premises and provide up to 1Gb speed in the rural area for wireless broadband connectivity. She explained that Quickline will provide the infrastructure on an open access basis to all other service providers.  Ms Silvester left the council meeting at 7:45pm.
a) ELDC Ward Member.  Cllr Grist did not attend the meeting.
b) LCC Ward Member.  Cllr H Marfleet did not attend the meeting but his e-News was circulated prior to the meeting.
c) Louth Rural Neighbourhood Policing Team. There was no representation from the rural team.
21/02-1 Record of Members Present and Apologies
Present: Cllr E Hairsine (Chairman); Cllr L Fear (Vice-Chairman), Cllr J Stainton, Cllr J Walsh and Cllr R Larkin
Also in attendance:  Ms Hayley Silvester from Quickline and Mrs N Must (Parish Clerk/RFO)
Absent:  Cllr C Shaw
21/02-2 To receive any Declarations of Interest on any item on the agenda - None declared
21/02-3 Minutes from 9th December 2020 – It was resolved that the draft minutes were accurate.  The Chairman will sign at the next opportunity.
21/02-4 Council Matters
a) Chairman’s Remarks. Cllr Hairsine welcomed Cllrs Walsh and Larkin to their first meeting and that she was very pleased to have them on board.  The Chairman also reported that a new footbridge near Lawrence Wood had been installed by Lincolnshire Wolds Countryside Service.
b) Actions from Previous Meeting.  All actions from the previous meeting have been completed.
c) New Website – The Council noted that the new website is quite different from the previous one and administering the website has been a challenge.  The Chairman had sent feedback to the LCC Ward Member regarding the website.  The Clerk reported that all documents have now been uploaded and the website is up to date.
d) Communications. All relevant communications were forwarded to councillors and noted.
211/02-5 Community Amenities
a) Tathwell Notice Board – Interskill has yet to take the noticeboard for repair due to the national lockdown.  The Clerk will be informed when they are able to open and operate again.
b) Tathwell and Haugham Churchyards appeal – After much discussion it was proposed and agreed to contribute £300 for the maintenance of the two churchyards. It was noted that there has not been any final decision on the Arts Festival being held or cancelled.
c) Bench on crossroads – This item has been deferred until the next meeting in order to get more information about ownership and maintenance and cost implications.
d) Litter pick – It was agreed to have a litter pick on Saturday, 13th March at 10am.  Any resident who wants to do their own litter picks prior to the event are able to get supplies from the Chairman.   The Vice Chairman volunteered to take the bags to the LCC recycling centre as part of his weekly slot.
e) Defibrillator – The Vice Chairman reported that the two paddles for use on the defibrillator in Tathwell need replacing and will cost £110 approximately for the two paddles.  He is happy to procure and get reimbursement at the next council meeting. The Council agreed to his proposal.
21/02-6 Finance and Budgets
a) Payments approved
i. Parish Clerk salary and expenses - £382.70
ii. HMRC PAYE Income Tax – £26.60
iii. Churchyards’ contribution - £300.00
b) Budget Monitoring and latest Receipts and Payments – noted
c) Precept 2021/22 - The precept form has been submitted to ELDC.  The Council noted that the tax base increased from 97 to 99.
21/02-7 Planning Matters.
a) N/081/00012/21 Land at, Orgarth Hill, Tathwell - Erection of 2no. detached dwellings in connection with the existing farm.  The Council resolved not to make any comments.
b) N/138/02371/20 Tathwell Mast, Poverty Lane -. The Council resolved to submit no objection but will recommend a triangular base, as the current mast is, instead of the proposed square base.  The Council considered that a 4M square base to the mast, when seen on the diagonal, which it will be from most locations, would appear much wider (the diagonal being over 5.5M).  A triangular 4M base, would provide a slimmer profile when seen from any direction.   The Clerk to submit to ELDC.
21/02-8  ELDC/LCC Services
a) ELDC – ELDC did not send any roadsweeper to Church Lane nor Thackers Lane despite numerous requests.  Two ladies who live in Church Lane decided to clean the lane themselves which took several hours in as many days.  The Chairman wanted to extend her gratitude for their services.
b) LCC –Speed limit sign on Poverty Lane. The Clerk reported that the fixmystreet had been updated to show no further action required but did not provide any further explanation.  The Clerk will forward any information to the Councillors when an explanation is received.
21/02-9 Annual Calendar of Meetings for FY2021/22 – The Council resolved to meet on the 1st Wednesday of every quarter starting May, at 7:30pm.  Meetings will be either held remotely or face to face depending on legislation.


Schedule of Meetings for FY2021/22
Date Time Venue Main Item
5 May 2021 7:30pm remotevely via Zoom Annual Meeting of the Parish Council
4 August 2021 7:30pm TBA Ordinary Council Meeting
3 November 2021 7:30pm TBA Budget and Precept Setting
2 February 2022 7:30pm TBA Ordinary Council Meeting

The meeting closed at 8:43pm.