Minutes of the meeting held 3 February 2025, 7:30 pm at St Vedast Church, Tathwell
Public Forum. There was one member of the public who attended the meeting and was interested to know updates on the request of the parish council to move the speed limit signs.
a) ELDC Ward Member Cllr Adam Grist sent his apologies but reported that he has £250 from his Councillor Community Grant available for any projects. The Council agreed to make use of the grant towards purchasing a bench to be placed outside Cornerways.
b) LCC Ward Member Cllr Hugo Marfleet sent his apologies but reported that he is coming to Tathwell to meet with a Highways Officer on the 21st February at 9:15am to progress the request on the speed limit signs. The Chairman will attend on behalf of the Parish Council
c) St Vedast Church Committee. Mr R Howard stated that there was no further update than the report posted on the village page on Facebook. He will add the parish clerk to his distribution list for further reports and for publishing on the parish council website.
25/02-1 Record of Members Present and Apologies.
Present: Cllr Lou Fear (Chairman), Cllr Rowena Larkin (Vice-Chairman), Cllr Jo Walsh, Cllr Steve Samuel, Cllr John Williams, Cllr Kim Larkin and Cllr Jerome Higgins-Commowick
Apologies accepted: Cllr J Stainton, ELDC Cllr Adam Grist and LCC Cllr Hugo Marfleet
Also in attendance: Russell Howard (Churchwarden) and Nadine Must (Parish Clerk)
25/02-2 To receive any Declarations of Interest on any item on the agenda. None received
25/02-3 Minutes from 4 November 2024. It was RESOLVED that the notes of the meeting were accurate and the Chairman signed the minutes.
25/02-4 Council Matters
a) Chairman’s Remarks.
i. The Chairman reported that the railings around the War Memorial need replacing. Suggestions for a replacement including changing to a different scheme will be discussed at the next annual parish meeting to find out residents’ views.
ii. Farm manure had been dumped very close to the bridleway on the north end of the parish and had caused hazards to walkers and cyclists. The farm transport had also damaged the road edges. It was agreed to send a complaint to the farm owner which the Chairman will draft.
b) Actions from Previous Meeting. Noted.
i. More than 30 people joined the Remembrance Sunday Service and Celebration last November including a former RAF Officer.
ii. No date has been set for the Police Engagement Session which was cancelled back in January
iii. Clearing of weeds in the boules pitch is work in progress. Cllr J Commowick still to action.
c) Communications. Noted.
i. LCC National Highways Transport Survey. The consensus was dissatisfaction with the services provided by LCC Highways. The Chairman will complete and submit the survey. The Clerk was also asked to contact the LCC Countryside Officer with regards to missing signage on public footpaths in the parish.
ii. VE-Day 80th Celebration May 2025. The Council will not be able to take part in the celebration as the bells in both churches are not in good order.
d) Tathwell and Haugham merge. The Parish Clerk is still waiting for the ELDC Elections Officer to reply. Failing this, it was resolved to send a complaint to ELDC for the lack of progress.
e) Litter pick. This was agreed for Saturday, 22nd March at 10 am and to meet by the War Memorial. Spare litter pickers and bags will be provided. Residents who will not be available on the day are still welcome to help out in their own time and to place their bags at the bus shelter.
It was proposed and agreed to discuss the Community Amenities/Highways before the agenda items on Finance and Budgets.
25/02-6 Community Amenities/Highways
a) Portable loo hire May 2025. It was agreed to ask Lincs Loo to provide an extra maintenance service for Sunday, 25th May 2025 before 11am to ensure adequate supplies and cleanliness of the facility during the Arts Festival weekend.
b) 30mph speed limit extension. The Chairman briefed the Council on the official request submitted to LCC Highways to move the 30mph speed limit from its current location. The lower limit should start at the eastern approach to the village where the village sign is on Poverty Lane from the A16 and at the western approach from Cadwell on the A153 where the other village sign is located. The Chairman will meet the LCC Ward Member and Highways Officer on 21st February to progress the matter.
The Council also considered improving the village signs and putting up white gates along the entry points to the parish. A Village logo was also suggested. These will be considered at the Annual Parish Meeting to gather residents' views in line with the recently launched East Lindsey Investment Fund (ELIF) Grassroots Grant Scheme with up to £24,999 available per project.
25/02-5 Finance and Budgets
a) Payments approved for February 2025. Proposed by Cllr Fear, seconded by Cllr Williams and all councillors were in favour.
Lincolnshire Association of Local Council – Clerk Networking Event 26 November 24
Parish Clerk – Salary & Expenses – December 24 to February 25
HMRC Income Tax Payment – December 24 to February 25
Parish Clerk – Salary & Expenses – March 2025
HMRC Income Tax Payment – March 2025
b) Budget Monitoring and Latest Receipts and Payments. Noted. The current spend against budget was noted.
c) FY 2025/26 Precept requirement submitted to ELDC and precept per band property. Noted
25/02-7 Planning Matters.
a) No updates received
b) No planning applications received
25/02-9 Scheduled Dates for FY2025/26. The Council resolved to continue to meet on the first Monday of the month, except on Bank Holidays at 7:30pm at St. Vedast Church.
Tuesday, 6 May 2025
Annual Parish Meeting
Annual Meeting of the Parish Council
To follow after the Annual Parish Meeting
Monday, 5th August 2025
Ordinary Parish Council Meeting
Monday, 4th November 2025
Budget Meeting
Monday, 3rd February 2026
Ordinary Parish Council Meeting
The meeting closed at 8:40pm