Minutes - 4 November 2024
Minutes of the meeting held 4 November 2024, 7:30 pm at St Vedast Church, Tathwell
Public Forum. There were no members of the public at the meeting.
a) ELDC Ward Member Cllr Adam Grist sent his apologies. He will get an update on the merger request and asked for any potential community project that may be supported from this year’s community grant funding.
b) LCC Ward Member Cllr Hugo Marfleet attended the meeting and reported that the County Council is reviewing the impact of the recent budget on finances. Repairs to potholes are ongoing but there is uncertainty on further funding from national government. It is expected that there will be streamlining reform of local government and there will be an election of Mayor for Greater Lincolnshire in May 2025 covering Lincolnshire, North East Lincolnshire and North Lincolnshire councils. Further updates are awaited on the Grimsby to Walpole project, the Theddlethorpe Nuclear Waste site proposal and the Mablethorpe Carbon Capture project.
24/11-1 Record of Members Present and Apologies.
Present: Cllr Lou Fear (Chairman), Cllr Rowena Larkin (Vice-Chairman), Cllr Jo Walsh, Cllr Steve Samuel, Cllr John Williams, Cllr Kim Larkin and Cllr Jerome Higgins-Commowick
Apologies accepted: ELDC Ward Member Cllr Adam Grist
Also in attendance: Russell Howard (Churchwarden), LCC Cllr Hugo Marfleet and Nadine Must (Parish Clerk)
Absent: Cllr John Stainton
24/11-2 To receive any Declarations of Interest on any item on the agenda. None received
24/11-3 Minutes from 5 August 2024. It was RESOLVED that the notes of the meeting were accurate and the Chairman signed the minutes.
24/11-4 Council Matters
a) Chairman’s Remarks.
i. The Chairman reported that he has repainted the railings and cleaned up the post by the War Memorial in readiness for the Remembrance Sunday.
ii. The railings are not in good condition and will be monitored for any future works required. The car parked on the junction by the war memorial was only a short-term event and was known to the Chairman.
iii. The tree branches blocking signs on Poverty Lane had been removed by Lincolnshire County Council Highways.
iv. The Chairman sent his apologies for the Remembrance Sunday service. Cllr John Williams will represent the Parish Council to offer the wreath and read out a poem on the day.
b) Actions from Previous Meeting. Noted.
c) Communications. Noted.
i. Victoria Atkins Community Summit on 6th December 2024. No councillors were available to attend.
ii. Lincolnshire Police Engagement Session on 16 January 2025. Cllr J Williams will again attend and represent the parish council. Cllr J Higgins-Commowick also expressed his interest in attending but the invite is only for one representative to join.
24/11-5 LCC Highways. There was a long discussion on vehicle speeding along Poverty Lane and Hall Lane. The Council pointed out that the 30mph speed limit should be situated at the entry points to the parish instead of the current location. It is the common sense approach and can be seen at other parishes. The Council reported incidents and several near misses and that safety of residents and pedestrians were at risk. The LCC Ward Member has agreed to endorse such measures and requested that an official request from the Parish Council is sent to him along a map of where the speed limit signs should be placed, the results of the previous Archer Survey done and any other evidence which will support the case for change. Other measures were discussed including the speed indicator device.
Cllr H Marfleet left the meeting at 8:45pm after the discussion.
24/11-6 Finance and Budgets
a) Payments approved for November 2024
To Amount (£) VAT Element (£)
1 Parish Clerk Salary and expenses - September to November 2024 £753.67
2 HMRC PAYE Income Tax £119.20
3 GRS Signs - plaque for Haugham bench £35.45 £5.91
4 Blockfree Services - Portable loo hire for May 2025 £197.90 £32.98
5 Churchyard grant and RBL Wreath 2024 £320.00
Total £1,426.22 £38.89
b) Budget Monitoring and Latest Receipts and Payments. Noted. The current spend against budget was noted.
c) Budget for FY2025/26. The draft budget proposed was discussed and the following were agreed:
i. The budget allocation for a bench at Cornerways to be deleted. It was agreed to apply for a grant from Lincolnshire Wolds Countryside Service for this asset. The Vice Chairman will complete the application.
ii. The proposed budget for a speed indicator device was also deleted. The Council will wait until Lincolnshire County Council has addressed the request to move the speed limit signs along Poverty Lane/Hall Lane and the impact on traffic speed.
iii. The Council agreed on a precept of £4,831 for the Financial Year 2025/26, a 19% increase from the previous year’s amount.
24/11-7 Community Amenities/Issues
a) Report from Churchwarden. The faculty to progress improvement to the heating in St Vedast Church is still awaited. A wreath has been purchased for Remembrance Sunday. The Committee thanked the Parish Council for the annual grant for the maintenance of the churchyards.
b) Haugham postbox repair. The Council noted that the Parish Clerk sent a chaser email to Royal Mail to find out when the repair to post box will be completed.
c) Assets Maintenance. The railings by the War Memorial will be monitored. Cllr J Commowick volunteered to address the weeds in the boules pitch and put measures in place to control further weed growth.
24/11-8 Planning Matters.
a) N/174/01639/24 Rookery Farm, Haugham Road, Tathwell, LN11 9ST | Planning Permission - Extensions and alterations to existing dwelling and the conversion of 2no. existing outbuildings to provide additional living accommodation. The Council deferred any feedback for submission until receipt of advice from Cllr J Stainton who was not present at the meeting. The advice will be circulated to all parish councillors and collated before submitting to ELDC.
24/11-9 Date of Next Meeting – Monday, 3 February 2025
The meeting closed at 9:18pm.