Church News - April 2023
Our next service is Sunday 16th April, when our Rural Dean will be
leading Holy Communion at 10.30am, followed by refreshments. Our service
pattern is still developing because of current lack of clergy/lay
readers etc, and we cannot yet plan a long term programme. However, Revd
Cameron Watt, our part time Rural Dean who led a very successful service
at Legbourne on Easter Sunday, has stepped up to help out. Hopefully we
will also have at the very least a Remembrance Sunday service, and a
carol service this year.
Other news: the southern boundary trees in the churchyard at Tathwell
have been trimmed to make space for the Art Exhibition tent, and let in
more light and air generally. Tree maintenance is a periodic job in both
churchyards and usually requires professionals. In Haugham
churchyard, we have had to lay down an old font which has started to
break up because of weathering. Any offers of help in the churchyards
will be very welcome as it falls on a very few individuals.
The Art Exhibition is planned for 26th- 29th May as usual and we hope to
see as many people as possible to enjoy the event.
Russell Howard,
Church Warden